Online tutoring to students at different levels

Let your child join our well prepared online tutoring, Stand Out of the Crowd!

Easy to Use/Student Friendly/Interactive/Parent Reporting/Gamified Quizzes/Practical Illustrations/Mock Exams/Feedback

Meet our Tutors

Hailemichael is an energetic and skilled teacher who has accumulated extensive experience in teaching chemistry. He is a well-known for his skills of delivering subject related experimental presentations. Hailemichael has been recognized for his excellence in establishing and organizing laboratories for elementary schools and high schools. He has also been awarded for his contribution towards increasing creativity and competitiveness among students. He has consulted students to develop different chemicals that can be applied for household uses.

Hailemichael A.


Meet our Tutors

Over the last decade, with his practical presentation skill, Mequanent has accumulated rich experience in teaching physics at high school and university levels. He has got a Master of Science in Geophysics from Addis Ababa University and Bachelor of Education in Physics. He is a well known lead teacher who delivers his contents augmented by practical and real life experiences. Mequanent has demonstrated his proven skill of developing simulated examples on physics subject-related topics. Besides to his service in private schools as a physics teacher, he has also been teaching in government universities.

Mequanent B.



  • How can I register for an online tutorial?

    In order to get registered for a course, please contact us at our address listed below: 1. Mobile: +251-960-600000/+251-960-601718 2. Email: [email protected] 3. Location: Megenagna (Lem Hotel) Matias Building 2nd & 3rd Floor Floor

  • How can I pay for the online tutorial?

    You can make payment for your tutorial to the following bank accounts and collect your receipt from our office by presenting your deposit slip: 1. Commercial Bank of Ethiopia: 2. Zemen Bank: 3. Cooperative Bank of Oromia: 4. Awash Bank:

  • How do I get my tutorial after registration?

    You will be given a sign in link, an email and password.

  • How can I get support if I need?

    If you need any further support, please contact our customer support service at our address listed below: 1. Mobile: +251-960-600000/+251-960-601718 2. Email: [email protected] 3. Location: Megenagna (Lem Hotel) Matias Building 2nd Floor

  • ሳልከፍል የቱቶርያሉ ማሕበረሰብ አባል መሆን እችላለሁ?

    አዎ ይችላሉ!!! ከላይ 'Register' የሚለውን በመንካት አዲስ አካውንት በመፍጠር የቱቶርያሉ ማሕበረሰብ አባል መሆን ይችላሉ።

Join Us, Be Ahead!

To register, call us now @ +251-960-601718/0960-600000 or email us @ [email protected]